This guide and FAQs post about Bloodline Heroes of Lithas game. Post includes game related answers, list, tips and tricks.
Bloodline Heroes of Lithas game overview
Following is a Bloodline Heroes of Lithas game overview table.
NameBloodline Heroes of LithasTypeRole Playing mobile game (RPG)Available onPlay Store, App StoreIs free to playYes
Game features
- Bring Honor to Your Clan
- A Vast World of Fantasy Races
- Luxis: A City of Light on the Rise
- Raise the Next Generation of Champions
- A World in Conflict between Order and Chaos
Bloodline Heroes of Lithas codes
List of codes for free diamonds, coins, and more rewards in Bloodline Heroes of Lithas game.
- BLDwomen
- BLD2023
- bldcocreate
- BLD623
- BLD500K
- BLD777
What are Bloodline Heroes of Lithas redeem codes?
Bloodline Heroes of Lithas codes are redeem codes to get freebie rewards in game. These codes are given by game developer Goat Games. Players can redeem these codes and get free diamonds, coins and more free rewards in game.
How to redeem codes in Bloodline Heroes of Lithas?
To redeem code in Bloodline Heroes of Lithas game, from the top left corner tap your Avatar icon and next ‘Settings’ icon. Now, tap the ‘Redemption Code’ option, enter code in the redemption popup and tap the ‘Redeem’ button.
After completing the above steps, code rewards display on screen, which will be added to your game account.
Bloodline Heroes of Lithas tier list
In Bloodline Heroes of Lithas game characters can be ranked based on different stats and abilities. In the game, champions male and female character versions have their own stats and abilities.
Here, champion characters are separated into following tiers.
- S (Super powered characters)
- A (Overpowered characters)
- B (Balanced characters)
- C (Underpowered characters)
- D (Worst characters)
If you start preparing a perfect tier list for best characters, then it will not be possible. Because, the best characters are always different based on players choice and game strategy.
But, here we try to prepare a champion tier list, which gives overview about characters possible tier categories.
Bloodline Heroes of Lithas champion tier list:
S-tier champions: Doombringer (F), Doombringer (M), Fulgur (F), Fulgur (M), Lionstone (M), Lionstone (F), Ignis (F).
A-tier champions: Ignis (M), Tidestorm (F), Tidestorm (M), Karg (F), Urgrull (F), Lionstone (M), Lionstone (F), Zaess (F).
B-tier champions: Aeson (F), Gryphon (M), Karg (M), Luxuriant (F), Luxuriant (M), Yvnian (M), Yvnian (F), Zaess (M), Lume (M).
C-tier champions: Gryphon (F), Aeson (M), Lume (F), Lycanis (M), Lycanis (F), Elzideth (M), Urgrull (M), Karguk (M), Karguk (F).
D-tier champions: Elzideth (F), Travain (M), Travain (F), Sallyhorn (F), Sallyhorn (M), Hunstdorf (M), Hunstdorf (F).
(F – Female character, M – Male character)
Bloodline Heroes of Lithas marriage combos
Here is the list of some best Bloodline Heroes of Lithas marriage combos, which may help you to find the right spouse partner for your main champion.
Male ChampionFemale ChampionLionstoneKargUgrullTidestormDoombringerFulgurIgnisZaessLuxuriantLumeYivnianLycanisHuntsdorfAesonGryphonElzidethKargukSallyhorn
Given list is only a suggested marriage combo. And, you can choose any champion partner for your main champion, depending on your abilities requirements.
How to perform a marriage in Bloodline Heroes of Lithas?
To perform a marriage, open the ‘Marriage’ screen from the main menu. Next, select ‘Main Champion’ and ‘Spouse Champion’. Now, select traits to replace and run the marriage.
Note: Here, Spouse Champion will be destroyed in this process.
In-game marriage is a process to to unite your bloodlines and raise new hybrid and more powerful champions.
At Last,
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