Puzzle and Survival Best Heroes Tier List (2 start to 5 start)

In Puzzle & Survival game heroes categories under star tiers from 5 star to 2 start. Heroes that come in 5 star tier are best for combat.

Hanyu, Dara, Nataly, Wali, Angelo and Lora are the best 5 star heroes in Puzzle & Survival. These heroes are best in multiple categories, like Fighters, Riders and Shooters categories.

In the game, there are 2 types of hero, Military and Economy.

Military heroes: heroes with combat specific skills that increase your attacking and defending capabilities when used in a fight.

Economy heroes: heroes with skills that increase your fighting capacity, or enhance your development. In game, as long as you own the hero, these skills are active.

Following are star rarity wise heroes tier lists for Puzzle & Survival:

  • 5 Start heroes tier list
  • 4 Start heroes tier list
  • 3 Start heroes tier list
  • 2 Start heroes tier list

5 Star heroes tier list


Mars is Rider type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Rider HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Ulrik is Fighter type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Fighter HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Obsidian is Rider type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Rider HP, DEF and ATK skills.

Nam Hayul

Nam Hayul is Shooter type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Troop HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Samuel is Fighter type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Protected resources, Gas output and Troop HP skills.


Angelo is Rider type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Rider ATK, Shooter ATK and Troop DEF skills.

Nataly Frag

Nataly Frag is Fighter type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Fighter ATK, Shooter ATK and Troop DEF.


Requiem is Shooter type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Troop HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Scatlett is Economy type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Build Speed, Free Speedup and Troop Size skills.


McCarty is Economy type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Training speed, Training cost reduction and Stamina Costs Reduction skills.


Phoenix is Shooter type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Shooter HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Dara is Shooter type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Troop DEF, Shooter ATK and Fighter ATK skills.


Leah is Economy type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Healing Speed, Heal Gas cost and Troop Size skills.


Fox is Rider type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Rider HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Zephyr is Fighter type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Fighter HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Levina is Rider type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Rider ATK, Shooter ATK and Fighter ATK skills.


Chia-hao is Economy type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Infirmary Cap, Heal Steel Cost and Troop Defense skills.


Ephriam is Shooter type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Shooter HP, DEF and ATK skills.

Hanyu Ichiro

Hanyu Ichiro is Fighter type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Rider ATK, Fighter ATK and Troop HP DEF skills.


Mantis is Economy type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Upkeep down, Healing speed and Infirmary Cap skills.

Lady M

Lady M is Economy type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Gathering speed, Rally ATK and Troop Size skills.


Ironclaw is Fighter type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Research Speed, Training Speed and Troop Size skills.


Lee is Economy type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have RSS protection buff, Reinforcement March speed and Troop ATK skills.


Meyers is Fighter type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Troop HP, DEF and ATK skills.

Lora & Jessie

Lora & Jessie is Shooter type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Shooter ATK, Rider ATK and Troop DEF skills.

Agent X

Agent X is Economy type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Gather march speed, Healing Steel cost and Rally Size skills.


Atropos is Fighter type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Raid HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Eve is Economy type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Gathering Speed, Healing Speed and Troop size skills.


Marlowe is Rider type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Troop HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Tomoyo is Fighter type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Troop HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Wali is Rider type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Troop DEF, Fighter ATK and Rider ATK skills.

4 Star heroes tier list


Seo-yun is Fighter type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Fighter HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Hartwell is Shooter type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Shooter HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Reyn is Rider type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Rider HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Devana is Fighter type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Troop HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Sanguine is Fighter type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Food output, Fighter DEF and Fighter ATK skills.


Otto is Economy type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Commander EXP gain, Healing Speed and Troop Size skills.

Chae Seoyun

Chae Seoyun is Fighter type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Troop HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Dom is Rider type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Steel Output, Rider DEF and Rider ATK skills.


Griffin is Shooter type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Wood output, Shooter DEF and Shooter ATK skills.

Dr. J

Dr. J is Economy type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Build Speed, Gas output and Rally Size skills.


Varvara is Economy type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Research speed, Antiserum output and Troop Size skills.

3 Star heroes tier list


Barbie is Fighter type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Food Gathering Speed, Fighter DEF and Fighter ATK skills.


Bard is Shooter type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Wood Gathering Speed, Shooter DEF and Shooter ATK skills.


Chester is Economy type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Training Cap, Research Steel cost and Research Gas cost skills.


Marshall is Economy type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Gas Gathering Speed, Hunt March Speed and Hunt ATK skills.


Flint is Fighter type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Gathering March Speed, Gathering Speed and Troop Load skills.


Noct is Fighter type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Fighter HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Percival is Rider type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Rider HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Malcolm is Shooter type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Shooter HP, DEF and ATK skills.


Anahita is Economy type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Free Speedup, Build Steel Cost and Build Gas Cost skills.

Doc Grey

Doc Grey is Rider type hero and has Avid(Purple) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Steel Gathering Speed, Rider DEF and Rider ATK skills.

2 Star heroes tier list


Queenie is Fighter type hero and has Brave(Green) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Food Output, Fighter DEF and Fighter ATK skills.


Amber is Shooter type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Wood Output, Shooter DEF and Shooter ATK skills.


Maverick is Rider type hero and has Calm(Blue) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Steel Output, Rider DEF and Rider ATK skills.


Kento is Economy type hero and has Wary(Yellow) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Hunt March Speed, Research Food Cost and Research Wood Cost skills.


Xavis is Economy type hero and has Rash(Red) style with 5 Star rarity. This hero have Gas output, Lower Build Food Cost and Lower Build Wood Cost skills.

That’s it,

Hope you find this Puzzle and Survival heroes star tier list helpful.

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