Royal Match game progress guide includes answers about save game progress, transfer game progress and loss of game progress. Check out this post to find answers about your Royal Match game progress queries.
How to save game progress in Royal Match?
To save game progress in Royal Match, you need internet connection. Game progress is saved automatically while you are playing the game.
Your game progress is saved in two ways, normal device level and through Facebook.
Normal device level saved progress used when you reinstall the game on the same device.
If you play a game using a Facebook account login, then your game progress is saved through Facebook. By this option, you can restore your game progress on a new or existing device using the same Facebook account login.
How to reset Royal Match game progress?
Royal Match restores your game progress when you delete and reinstall the game. So, on the same device reinstall or with the same login, you can not reset your progress.
To reset Royal Match game progress, you need to change your game login. It means, if you play a game with Facebook login, then to reset the game – Sign out from Facebook and login with Apple account or with different Facebook account.
How to fix lost game progress in Royal Match?
In normal cases, Royal Match restores game progress when you delete and reinstall games on the same device.
Now, if you lost your game progress, then one possible reason is that you login with a different Facebook or Apple account. To solve this problem, you need to login with the same Facebook or Apple account which you use previously in the game.
Also, note that game progress is saved prior to seeing the “Well Done” screen. So if you quit the game before you see this screen, then it may be possible that your game progress will not be saved.
How to transfer Royal Match game progress to another device?
In Royal Match, game progress is saved based on a Facebook account, if you connect your game with Facebook connect. Here, on another device, you can restore your game progress by login with your same Facebook account.
That’s it,
Hope you find this Royal Match game progress guide helpful.
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